You're a visionary

I’ve always thought of myself as a dreamer. Big ideas and dreams and at times my head in the clouds. However, recently the Holy Spirit told me twice “You’re a visionary” as well.

Dreamer vs. Visionary
The differences between a dreamer and visionary are we dreamers can have many ideas but lack action or execution. We can conceive the idea or dream but never birth it forth. The seed (idea or dream) exists only in the mind waiting to be nurtured, and cared for, whereas a visionary brings the vision to life with determination and tunnel vision. A visionary creates what he/she sees in their mind’s eye. They don’t allow it to stay here as they make a home for it in the physical realm.

Never stop being a dreamer its where the life of ideas and dreams began but to move from a dreamer to visionary you must put forth action. It’s okay to bounce around different ideas and dreams until you find the best one but know that the reward is always found in your actions.

sarah streeter

Founder & Creative Director of Shepherd Girl™.


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